Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The End of NaNoWriMo! (Hannah)

Hi everyone!  This is just a short news post, but I was so excited I couldn't help but post it.  NaNoWriMo is over, and I officially won with less than an hour to spare.  If you remember from two days ago, my progress looked like this:

In three days, through no small amount of work, I finally pushed it just over the 50,000 word mark.

And here is my happy NaNoWriMo winner badge!

OK, enough bragging for me.  There is no way I could have done this without my family's support, especially the last couple of weeks.  Every spare minute was consumed by writing, and I have barely seen them.  They covered for my housework, helped with animal chores, and encouraged me to keep going no matter what.  This wouldn't have been possible without them.

So for my parents, thank you for everything.  Everything.  I really can't thank you guys enough.

For my siblings, thank you for covering some of my responsibilities so I have time to write and for understanding when I said "I can't do that today, I have to write."

For my extended family, thank you for all of the encouragement and support you have given me.  It has kept me going.

For Brenna, thank you for being my writing buddy, and for constantly writing more than I did so that I would be encouraged to keep going.  Congratulations on meeting your 60,000 word goal.

If you would like to read some of the other NaNoWriMo posts, please be sure to check them out here.

Have a wonderful December everyone!

~ Hannah


  1. Congratulations, Hannah!!! Your success just made my heart happy...I never doubted you would accomplish this sometimes daunting challenge. SO proud of you, and this new success is further proof that you have what it takes to be an accomplished writer. Love that you screamed in with less than an hour to spare...creativity on steroids! Bask in your glory today :)

  2. Wow, Hannah! Congratulations!! I'm so impressed you were able to stick with it and achieve your goal - that kind of dedication will take you far in life :) I hope you're able to relax and rest a bit now!

  3. Congratulations on making it, Hannah! I didn't make it near as far as I had originally planned, but I learned I need to do a lot more prep work next time around and--as you mentioned in one of your posts, I think--avoid revising as I go...A hard one. I still got some good work out of it, and it proved to be a great exercise in getting the creating juices going!

    So glad you worked so hard and met with success, and thanks for your great posts along the way!


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