My name is Lauricia (pronounced La-ris-sa). By day I am a mild-mannered teacher of high school literature and creative writing, but at night I transform to a clandestine writer, fighting battles against time and responsibility to steal precious moments in which to compose the next few lines of my novel-in-progress.
I grew up in Roswell, New Mexico but graduated high school and moved to college one year before the city’s alien visitations became public knowledge. Currently, I live outside of Houston, Texas, with my husband, two sons, and entirely too many pets.
I have been avid reader of fantasy since I was ten, when I discovered the world of Narnia. I am especially inspired by the novels of J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Madeline L’Engle, and Tad Williams. My desire to write manifested in middle school, but was buried under the well-meant warnings of concerned adults, so I decided to study physics, instead. My freshman year in college began with courses in honors English, and remedial college algebra. Two semesters of immense success in my literature classes and abysmal failure in remedial math convinced me that I was not designed to be a scientist, so I changed my major and returned to my first love.
I would love to connect with you! You can sign up for my email list and follow the progress of my current project on my website at Lauricia-Matuska.com. You can also find me on Facebook, GoodReads, Instagram, and Twitter. Stop by some time and say hi!
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